- #include <zombie_escape>
- // Defines
- #define MAX_LEVEL 60
- #define MAX_XP 528029013
- #define TASK_SHOWHUD 2020
- #define ID_SHOWHUD (taskid - TASK_SHOWHUD)
- #define LEVELUP "levelup_ZE/ze_levelup.wav"
- enum
- {
- Host = 0,
- User,
- Pass,
- DB
- }
- // Constants
- new const g_szLevelsVault[] = "FuriX_LL"
- new const g_szRanksVault[] = "FuriX-RR"
- new const g_szLogFile[] = "Levels.log" // MySQL Errors log file
- new const g_szTable[] =
- " \
- ALTER TABLE `test` \
- ADD IF NOT EXISTS `Level` int(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', \
- "
- // Messages
- const Float:HUD_SPECT_X = -1.0
- const Float:HUD_SPECT_Y = 0.70
- const Float:HUD_STATS_X = -1.0
- const Float:HUD_STATS_Y = 0.90
- const HUD_STATS_ZOMBIE_R = 200
- const HUD_STATS_ZOMBIE_G = 220
- const HUD_STATS_ZOMBIE_B = 0
- const HUD_STATS_HUMAN_R = 0
- const HUD_STATS_HUMAN_G = 200
- const HUD_STATS_HUMAN_B = 210
- const HUD_STATS_SPEC_R = 100
- const HUD_STATS_SPEC_G = 100
- const HUD_STATS_SPEC_B = 100
- // Variables
- new g_iLevel[33],
- g_iXP[33],
- g_iMaxXP[33],
- Float:g_fDamage[33],
- g_MsgSync,
- g_iLevelsVaultHandle,
- g_iRanksVaultHandle,
- Handle:g_hTuple,
- Fw_LevelUP,
- ForwardReturn
- // Cvars
- new g_pCvarZombieInfect,
- g_pCvarEscapeSuccess,
- g_pCvarEnableDamage,
- g_pCvarRequiredDamage,
- g_pCvarDamageAward,
- g_pCvarStartXP,
- g_pCvarMaxLevelsIncrement,
- g_pCvarMaxXPFirstLevel,
- g_pCvarPercentageStyle,
- g_pCvarStartFromZero,
- g_pCvarAddCommas,
- g_pCvarLevelEffects,
- g_pCvarSaveType,
- g_pCvarDBInfo[4]
- public plugin_natives()
- {
- register_native("ze_get_user_xp", "native_ze_get_user_xp", 1)
- register_native("ze_set_user_xp", "native_ze_set_user_xp", 1)
- register_native("ze_get_user_level", "native_ze_get_user_level", 1)
- register_native("ze_set_user_level", "native_ze_set_user_level", 1)
- register_native("ze_get_user_max_xp", "native_ze_get_user_max_xp", 1)
- register_native("ze_set_user_max_xp", "native_ze_set_user_max_xp", 1)
- }
- public plugin_precache()
- {
- precache_sound(LEVELUP)
- }
- public plugin_init()
- {
- register_plugin("[ZE] Level-XP System", "1.9", "Raheem/JaCk")
- // Hook Chains
- RegisterHookChain(RG_CBasePlayer_TakeDamage, "Fw_TakeDamage_Post", 1)
- Fw_LevelUP = CreateMultiForward("ze_on_levelup", ET_IGNORE, FP_CELL)
- // Cvars
- g_pCvarZombieInfect = register_cvar("ze_zombie_infect", "0")
- g_pCvarEscapeSuccess = register_cvar("ze_escape_success", "100")
- g_pCvarEnableDamage = register_cvar("ze_enable_dmg", "1")
- g_pCvarRequiredDamage = register_cvar("ze_required_dmg", "1000.0")
- g_pCvarDamageAward = register_cvar("ze_dmg_award", "3")
- g_pCvarStartXP = register_cvar("ze_start_xp", "50")
- g_pCvarMaxLevelsIncrement = register_cvar("ze_maxlevels_increment", "1.3")
- g_pCvarMaxXPFirstLevel = register_cvar("ze_max_xp_first_level", "100")
- g_pCvarPercentageStyle = register_cvar("ze_enable_percentage_style", "0")
- g_pCvarStartFromZero = register_cvar("ze_new_level_zero_xp", "0")
- g_pCvarAddCommas = register_cvar("ze_add_commas_to_xp", "1")
- g_pCvarLevelEffects = register_cvar("ze_level_up_effects", "1")
- g_pCvarSaveType = register_cvar("ze_levels_save_type", "0")
- g_pCvarDBInfo[Host] = register_cvar("ze_levels_host", "")
- g_pCvarDBInfo[User] = register_cvar("ze_levels_user", "root")
- g_pCvarDBInfo[Pass] = register_cvar("ze_levels_pass", "password")
- g_pCvarDBInfo[DB] = register_cvar("ze_levels_dbname", "levels_db")
- // Messages
- g_MsgSync = CreateHudSyncObj()
- if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarSaveType))
- {
- set_task(0.1, "Delay_MySQL_Init")
- }
- }
- public plugin_end()
- {
- if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarSaveType))
- {
- if (g_hTuple != Empty_Handle)
- {
- SQL_FreeHandle(g_hTuple)
- }
- }
- }
- public Delay_MySQL_Init()
- {
- MySQL_Init()
- }
- public MySQL_Init()
- {
- if (!get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarSaveType))
- return
- new szHost[64], szUser[32], szPass[32], szDB[128]
- get_pcvar_string(g_pCvarDBInfo[Host], szHost, charsmax(szHost))
- get_pcvar_string(g_pCvarDBInfo[User], szUser, charsmax(szUser))
- get_pcvar_string(g_pCvarDBInfo[Pass], szPass, charsmax(szPass))
- get_pcvar_string(g_pCvarDBInfo[DB], szDB, charsmax(szDB))
- g_hTuple = SQL_MakeDbTuple(szHost, szUser, szPass, szDB)
- // Let's ensure that the g_hTuple will be valid, we will access the database to make sure
- new iErrorCode, szError[512], Handle:hSQLConnection
- hSQLConnection = SQL_Connect(g_hTuple, iErrorCode, szError, charsmax(szError))
- if (hSQLConnection != Empty_Handle)
- {
- log_amx("[MySQL][LVL] Successfully connected to host: %s (ALL IS OK).", szHost)
- SQL_FreeHandle(hSQLConnection)
- }
- else
- {
- // Disable plugin
- set_fail_state("[LVL] Failed to connect to MySQL database: %s.", szError)
- }
- SQL_ThreadQuery(g_hTuple, "QueryCreateTable", g_szTable)
- }
- public QueryCreateTable(iFailState, Handle:hQuery, szError[], iError, szData[], iSize, Float:flQueueTime)
- {
- SQL_IsFail(iFailState, iError, szError, g_szLogFile)
- }
- public client_putinserver(id)
- {
- if(is_user_hltv(id) || is_user_bot(id))
- return
- // Just 1 second delay
- set_task(1.0, "DelayLoad", id)
- // Other tasks
- set_task(1.0, "Show_Hud", id+TASK_SHOWHUD, _, _, "b")
- set_task(0.1, "Check_MaxXP", id, _, _, "b")
- }
- public DelayLoad(id)
- {
- // Load his data
- LoadData(id)
- }
- public client_disconnected(id)
- {
- if(is_user_hltv(id) || is_user_bot(id))
- return
- remove_task(id+TASK_SHOWHUD)
- remove_task(id)
- }
- public Check_MaxXP(id)
- {
- new iCurrentMaxXP = g_iMaxXP[id]
- new iMaxXP = get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarMaxXPFirstLevel)
- for (new i = 1; i <= g_iLevel[id]; i++)
- {
- iMaxXP = floatround(float(iMaxXP) * get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarMaxLevelsIncrement))
- }
- if (iCurrentMaxXP != iMaxXP)
- {
- g_iMaxXP[id] = iMaxXP
- }
- }
- public Show_Hud(taskid)
- {
- new iPlayer = ID_SHOWHUD
- if (!is_user_alive(iPlayer))
- {
- iPlayer = pev(iPlayer, pev_iuser2)
- if (!is_user_alive(iPlayer))
- return
- }
- if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarPercentageStyle) != 0)
- {
- if(iPlayer != ID_SHOWHUD)
- {
- set_hudmessage(HUD_STATS_SPEC_R, HUD_STATS_SPEC_G, HUD_STATS_SPEC_B, HUD_SPECT_X, HUD_SPECT_Y, 0, 6.0, 1.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1)
- ShowSyncHudMsg(ID_SHOWHUD, g_MsgSync, "Level: %d | XP: %0.2f %", g_iLevel[iPlayer], (float(g_iXP[iPlayer])/float(g_iMaxXP[iPlayer])) * 100.0)
- }
- else if (ze_is_user_zombie(iPlayer))
- {
- set_hudmessage(HUD_STATS_ZOMBIE_R, HUD_STATS_ZOMBIE_G, HUD_STATS_ZOMBIE_B, HUD_STATS_X, HUD_STATS_Y, 0, 6.0, 1.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1)
- ShowSyncHudMsg(ID_SHOWHUD, g_MsgSync, "Level: %d | XP: %0.2f %", g_iLevel[ID_SHOWHUD], (float(g_iXP[ID_SHOWHUD])/float(g_iMaxXP[ID_SHOWHUD])) * 100.0)
- }
- else
- {
- set_hudmessage(HUD_STATS_HUMAN_R, HUD_STATS_HUMAN_G, HUD_STATS_HUMAN_B, HUD_STATS_X, HUD_STATS_Y, 0, 6.0, 1.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1)
- ShowSyncHudMsg(ID_SHOWHUD, g_MsgSync, "Level: %d | XP: %0.2f %", g_iLevel[ID_SHOWHUD], (float(g_iXP[ID_SHOWHUD])/float(g_iMaxXP[ID_SHOWHUD])) * 100.0)
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(iPlayer != ID_SHOWHUD)
- {
- if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarAddCommas) == 1)
- {
- new szSpecXP[15], szSpecMaxXP[15]
- AddCommas(g_iXP[iPlayer], szSpecXP, charsmax(szSpecXP))
- AddCommas(g_iMaxXP[iPlayer], szSpecMaxXP, charsmax(szSpecMaxXP))
- set_hudmessage(HUD_STATS_SPEC_R, HUD_STATS_SPEC_G, HUD_STATS_SPEC_B, HUD_SPECT_X, HUD_SPECT_Y, 0, 6.0, 1.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1)
- ShowSyncHudMsg(ID_SHOWHUD, g_MsgSync, "Level: %d | XP: %s/%s", g_iLevel[iPlayer], szSpecXP, szSpecMaxXP)
- }
- else
- {
- set_hudmessage(HUD_STATS_SPEC_R, HUD_STATS_SPEC_G, HUD_STATS_SPEC_B, HUD_SPECT_X, HUD_SPECT_Y, 0, 6.0, 1.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1)
- ShowSyncHudMsg(ID_SHOWHUD, g_MsgSync, "Level: %d | XP: %d/%d", g_iLevel[iPlayer], g_iXP[iPlayer], g_iMaxXP[iPlayer])
- }
- }
- else if (ze_is_user_zombie(iPlayer))
- {
- if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarAddCommas) == 1)
- {
- new szZombieXP[15], szZombieMaxXP[15]
- AddCommas(g_iXP[ID_SHOWHUD], szZombieXP, charsmax(szZombieXP))
- AddCommas(g_iMaxXP[ID_SHOWHUD], szZombieMaxXP, charsmax(szZombieMaxXP))
- set_hudmessage(HUD_STATS_ZOMBIE_R, HUD_STATS_ZOMBIE_G, HUD_STATS_ZOMBIE_B, HUD_STATS_X, HUD_STATS_Y, 0, 6.0, 1.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1)
- ShowSyncHudMsg(ID_SHOWHUD, g_MsgSync, "Level: %d | XP: %s/%s", g_iLevel[ID_SHOWHUD], szZombieXP, szZombieMaxXP)
- }
- else
- {
- set_hudmessage(HUD_STATS_ZOMBIE_R, HUD_STATS_ZOMBIE_G, HUD_STATS_ZOMBIE_B, HUD_STATS_X, HUD_STATS_Y, 0, 6.0, 1.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1)
- ShowSyncHudMsg(ID_SHOWHUD, g_MsgSync, "Level: %d | XP: %d/%d", g_iLevel[ID_SHOWHUD], g_iXP[ID_SHOWHUD], g_iMaxXP[ID_SHOWHUD])
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarAddCommas) == 1)
- {
- new szHumanXP[15], szHumanMaxXP[15]
- AddCommas(g_iXP[ID_SHOWHUD], szHumanXP, charsmax(szHumanXP))
- AddCommas(g_iMaxXP[ID_SHOWHUD], szHumanMaxXP, charsmax(szHumanMaxXP))
- set_hudmessage(HUD_STATS_HUMAN_R, HUD_STATS_HUMAN_G, HUD_STATS_HUMAN_B, HUD_STATS_X, HUD_STATS_Y, 0, 6.0, 1.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1)
- ShowSyncHudMsg(ID_SHOWHUD, g_MsgSync, "Level: %d | XP: %s/%s", g_iLevel[ID_SHOWHUD], szHumanXP, szHumanMaxXP)
- }
- else
- {
- set_hudmessage(HUD_STATS_HUMAN_R, HUD_STATS_HUMAN_G, HUD_STATS_HUMAN_B, HUD_STATS_X, HUD_STATS_Y, 0, 6.0, 1.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1)
- ShowSyncHudMsg(ID_SHOWHUD, g_MsgSync, "Level: %d | XP: %d/%d", g_iLevel[ID_SHOWHUD], g_iXP[ID_SHOWHUD], g_iMaxXP[ID_SHOWHUD])
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public ze_roundend(WinTeam)
- {
- if (WinTeam == ZE_TEAM_HUMAN)
- {
- for(new id = 1; id <= get_member_game(m_nMaxPlayers); id++)
- {
- if (!is_user_alive(id) || get_member(id, m_iTeam) == TEAM_TERRORIST)
- continue
- g_iXP[id] += get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEscapeSuccess)
- SaveData(id)
- Check_User_Level(id)
- }
- }
- remove_task(TASK_SHOWHUD)
- }
- public Check_User_Level(id)
- {
- if(!is_user_connected(id))
- return
- if(g_iXP[id] >= g_iMaxXP[id])
- {
- if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarStartFromZero) == 1)
- {
- g_iXP[id] = 0
- }
- new szName[32]
- g_iLevel[id] ++
- g_iMaxXP[id] = floatround(float(g_iMaxXP[id]) * get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarMaxLevelsIncrement))
- get_user_name(id, szName, charsmax(szName))
- ze_colored_print(0, "!g%s !tNow in Level %i!y!", szName, g_iLevel[id])
- ExecuteForward(Fw_LevelUP, ForwardReturn, id)
- SaveData(id)
- PlaySound(id, LEVELUP)
- if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarLevelEffects) != 0)
- {
- // Screen Fade
- message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("ScreenFade"), {0,0,0}, id)
- write_short(4096*2)
- write_short(4096*5)
- write_short(0x0001)
- write_byte(random(256))
- write_byte(random(256))
- write_byte(random(256))
- write_byte(150)
- message_end()
- // Screen Shake
- message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("ScreenShake"), {0,0,0}, id)
- write_short(255<<14)
- write_short(10<<14)
- write_short(255<<14)
- message_end()
- }
- }
- }
- public ze_user_infected(iVictim, iInfector)
- {
- if (iInfector == 0)
- return
- g_iXP[iInfector] += get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarZombieInfect)
- SaveData(iInfector)
- Check_User_Level(iInfector)
- }
- public Fw_TakeDamage_Post(iVictim, iInflictor, iAttacker, Float:fDamage, bitsDamageType)
- {
- // Player Damage Himself
- if (iVictim == iAttacker || !is_user_alive(iVictim) || !is_user_alive(iAttacker) || ze_is_user_zombie(iAttacker) || !get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableDamage))
- return HC_CONTINUE
- // Same Team?
- if (get_member(iAttacker, m_iTeam) == get_member(iVictim, m_iTeam))
- return HC_CONTINUE
- // Store Damage For every Player
- g_fDamage[iAttacker] += fDamage
- // Damage Calculator Equal or Higher than needed damage
- if (g_fDamage[iAttacker] >= get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarRequiredDamage))
- {
- // Give Player The Coins
- g_iXP[iAttacker] += get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarDamageAward)
- SaveData(iAttacker)
- Check_User_Level(iAttacker)
- // Rest The Damage Calculator
- g_fDamage[iAttacker] = 0.0
- }
- return HC_CONTINUE
- }
- public SaveData(id)
- {
- new szAuthID[35], szName[32]
- get_user_authid(id, szAuthID, charsmax(szAuthID))
- get_user_name(id, szName, charsmax(szName))
- // Set Him to max if he Higher than Max Value
- if (g_iLevel[id] > MAX_LEVEL)
- {
- g_iLevel[id] = MAX_LEVEL
- }
- if (g_iXP[id] > MAX_XP)
- {
- g_iXP[id] = MAX_XP
- }
- if (!get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarSaveType))
- {
- new szData[256]
- formatex(szData , charsmax(szData), "%i %i %i", g_iLevel[id], g_iXP[id], g_iMaxXP[id])
- // Open the Vaults
- g_iLevelsVaultHandle = nvault_open(g_szLevelsVault)
- g_iRanksVaultHandle = nvault_open(g_szRanksVault)
- // Saves His Data
- nvault_set(g_iLevelsVaultHandle, szAuthID, szData)
- nvault_set(g_iRanksVaultHandle, szAuthID, szName)
- // Close Vaults
- nvault_close(g_iLevelsVaultHandle)
- nvault_close(g_iRanksVaultHandle)
- }
- else
- {
- new szQuery[128]
- formatex(szQuery, charsmax(szQuery), "UPDATE `zombie_escape` SET `Level` = '%d', `XP` = '%d', `Max_XP` = '%d' WHERE ( `SteamID` = '%s' );", g_iLevel[id], g_iXP[id], g_iMaxXP[id], szAuthID)
- SQL_ThreadQuery(g_hTuple, "QuerySetData", szQuery)
- }
- }
- public QuerySetData(iFailState, Handle:hQuery, szError[], iError, szData[], iSize, Float:flQueueTime)
- {
- SQL_IsFail(iFailState, iError, szError, g_szLogFile)
- }
- public QuerySetData2(iFailState, Handle:hQuery, szError[], iError, szData[], iSize, Float:flQueueTime)
- {
- SQL_IsFail(iFailState, iError, szError, g_szLogFile)
- }
- public LoadData(id)
- {
- new szData[256], szAuthID[35]
- get_user_authid(id, szAuthID, charsmax(szAuthID))
- if (!get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarSaveType))
- {
- // Useless Variable
- new iTimestamp, iExists
- // Open the Vault
- g_iLevelsVaultHandle = nvault_open(g_szLevelsVault)
- iExists = nvault_lookup(g_iLevelsVaultHandle, szAuthID, szData, charsmax(szData), iTimestamp)
- // Close Vault
- nvault_close(g_iLevelsVaultHandle)
- if (!iExists)
- {
- g_iLevel[id] = 0
- g_iXP[id] = get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarStartXP)
- g_iMaxXP[id] = get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarMaxXPFirstLevel)
- SaveData(id)
- }
- else
- {
- new iLevel[32], iXP[32], iMaxLevel[32]
- parse(szData, iLevel, 31, iXP, 31, iMaxLevel, 31)
- g_iLevel[id] = str_to_num(iLevel)
- g_iXP[id] = str_to_num(iXP)
- g_iMaxXP[id] = str_to_num(iMaxLevel)
- }
- }
- else
- {
- new szQuery[128], szData[5]
- formatex(szQuery, charsmax(szQuery), "SELECT * FROM `Players_Information` WHERE ( `SteamID` = '%s' );", szAuthID)
- num_to_str(id, szData, charsmax(szData))
- SQL_ThreadQuery(g_hTuple, "QuerySelectData", szQuery, szData, charsmax(szData))
- }
- }
- public QuerySelectData(iFailState, Handle:hQuery, szError[], iError, szData[])
- {
- if (SQL_IsFail(iFailState, iError, szError, g_szLogFile))
- return
- new id = str_to_num(szData)
- // No results for this query means this is new player
- if (!SQL_NumResults(hQuery))
- {
- new szSteamId[36], szQuery[128]
- get_user_authid(id, szSteamId, charsmax(szSteamId))
- g_iLevel[id] = 0
- g_iXP[id] = 0
- g_iMaxXP[id] = get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarMaxXPFirstLevel)
- return
- }
- g_iLevel[id] = SQL_ReadResult(hQuery, SQL_FieldNameToNum(hQuery, "Level"))
- g_iXP[id] = SQL_ReadResult(hQuery, SQL_FieldNameToNum(hQuery, "XP"))
- g_iMaxXP[id] = SQL_ReadResult(hQuery, SQL_FieldNameToNum(hQuery, "Max_XP"))
- }
- public native_ze_get_user_xp(id)
- {
- if(!is_user_connected(id))
- {
- log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZE] Invalid Player id (%d)", id)
- return false;
- }
- return g_iXP[id]
- }
- public native_ze_set_user_xp(id, amount)
- {
- if(!is_user_connected(id))
- {
- log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZE] Invalid Player id (%d)", id)
- return false;
- }
- g_iXP[id] = amount
- Check_User_Level(id)
- return true;
- }
- public native_ze_get_user_level(id)
- {
- if(!is_user_connected(id))
- {
- log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZE] Invalid Player id (%d)", id)
- return false;
- }
- return g_iLevel[id]
- }
- public native_ze_set_user_level(id, amount)
- {
- if(!is_user_connected(id))
- {
- log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZE] Invalid Player id (%d)", id)
- return false;
- }
- g_iLevel[id] = amount
- if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarStartFromZero) == 1)
- {
- g_iXP[id] = 0
- }
- return true;
- }
- public native_ze_get_user_max_xp(id)
- {
- if(!is_user_connected(id))
- {
- log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZE] Invalid Player id (%d)", id)
- return false;
- }
- return g_iMaxXP[id]
- }
- public native_ze_set_user_max_xp(id, amount)
- {
- if(!is_user_connected(id))
- {
- log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZE] Invalid Player id (%d)", id)
- return false;
- }
- g_iMaxXP[id] = amount
- return true;
- }
try using no max xp level system nd see viewtopic.php?f=15&t=72VicKy wrote: ↑3 years ago@karan PLease Help I am not getiing xp while escape but i getting xp on damage i dont know why!!czirimbolo wrote: ↑5 years ago Ok here is fixed version of level system by Jack and Raheem. Double exp is working too.
Code: Select all
#include <zombie_escape> // Defines #define MAX_LEVEL 41 #define TASK_SHOWHUD 2020 #define TASK_DOUBLE 1133 #define REPEAT_TIME 60.0 #define ID_SHOWHUD (taskid - TASK_SHOWHUD) #define LEVELUP "levelup_ZE/ze_levelup.wav" enum { Host = 0, User, Pass, DB } new const g_iMaxLevelsXP[MAX_LEVEL] = { 3000, // 1 3500, // 2 5000, // 3 7500, // 4 11000, // 5 15000, // 6 20000, // 7 25000, // 8 30000, // 9 40000, // 10 50000, // 11 60000, // 12 75000, // 13 90000, // 14 105000, // 15 120000, // 16 140000, // 17 170000, // 18 200000, // 19 275000, // 20 350000, // 21 500000, // 22 1000000, // 23 1750000, // 24 3000000, // 25 6000000, // 26 10000000, // 27 15000000, // 28 20000000, // 29 30000000, // 30 40000000, // 31 62000000, // 32 75000000, // 33 90000000, // 34 105000000, // 35 125000000, // 36 135000000, // 37 155000000, // 38 175000000, // 39 200000000, // 40 300000000 // 41 } // Constants new const g_szLevelsVault[] = "Levels" new const g_szRanksVault[] = "Ranks" new const g_szLogFile[] = "Levels.log" // MySQL Errors log file new const g_szTable[] = " \ ALTER TABLE `test` \ ADD IF NOT EXISTS `Level` int(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', \ ADD IF NOT EXISTS `XP` int(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; \ " // Messages const Float:HUD_SPECT_X = -1.0 const Float:HUD_SPECT_Y = 0.70 const Float:HUD_STATS_X = 0.01 const Float:HUD_STATS_Y = 0.22 const HUD_STATS_ZOMBIE_R = 200 const HUD_STATS_ZOMBIE_G = 220 const HUD_STATS_ZOMBIE_B = 0 const HUD_STATS_HUMAN_R = 0 const HUD_STATS_HUMAN_G = 200 const HUD_STATS_HUMAN_B = 210 const HUD_STATS_SPEC_R = 100 const HUD_STATS_SPEC_G = 100 const HUD_STATS_SPEC_B = 100 // Variables new g_iLevel[33], g_iXP[33], g_iMaxXP[33], Float:g_fDamage[33], g_MsgSync, g_iLevelsVaultHandle, g_iRanksVaultHandle, Handle:g_hTuple, Fw_LevelUP, ForwardReturn, bool:g_bIsDoubleHours // Cvars new g_pCvarZombieInfect, g_pCvarEscapeSuccess, g_pCvarEnableDamage, g_pCvarRequiredDamage, g_pCvarDamageAward, g_pCvarStartXP, g_pCvarPercentageStyle, g_pCvarStartFromZero, g_pCvarAddCommas, g_pCvarLevelEffects, g_pCvarSaveType, g_pCvarDBInfo[4], g_pCvarDoubleXP public plugin_natives() { register_native("ze_get_user_xp", "native_ze_get_user_xp", 1) register_native("ze_set_user_xp", "native_ze_set_user_xp", 1) register_native("ze_get_user_level", "native_ze_get_user_level", 1) register_native("ze_set_user_level", "native_ze_set_user_level", 1) register_native("ze_get_user_max_xp", "native_ze_get_user_max_xp", 1) } public plugin_precache() { precache_sound(LEVELUP) } public plugin_init() { register_plugin("[ZE] Level-XP System", "1.9", "Raheem/JaCk") // Hook Chains RegisterHookChain(RG_CBasePlayer_TakeDamage, "Fw_TakeDamage_Post", 1) Fw_LevelUP = CreateMultiForward("ze_on_levelup", ET_IGNORE, FP_CELL) // Cvars g_pCvarZombieInfect = register_cvar("ze_zombie_infect", "3") g_pCvarEscapeSuccess = register_cvar("ze_escape_success", "5") g_pCvarEnableDamage = register_cvar("ze_enable_dmg", "1") g_pCvarRequiredDamage = register_cvar("ze_required_dmg", "50.0") g_pCvarDamageAward = register_cvar("ze_dmg_award", "3") g_pCvarStartXP = register_cvar("ze_start_xp", "0") g_pCvarPercentageStyle = register_cvar("ze_enable_percentage_style", "0") g_pCvarStartFromZero = register_cvar("ze_new_level_zero_xp", "0") g_pCvarAddCommas = register_cvar("ze_add_commas_to_xp", "1") g_pCvarLevelEffects = register_cvar("ze_level_up_effects", "0") g_pCvarDoubleXP = register_cvar("ze_double_xp", "15-22") g_pCvarSaveType = register_cvar("ze_levels_save_type", "0") g_pCvarDBInfo[Host] = register_cvar("ze_levels_host", "") g_pCvarDBInfo[User] = register_cvar("ze_levels_user", "root") g_pCvarDBInfo[Pass] = register_cvar("ze_levels_pass", "password") g_pCvarDBInfo[DB] = register_cvar("ze_levels_dbname", "levels_db") // Messages g_MsgSync = CreateHudSyncObj() if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarSaveType)) { set_task(0.1, "Delay_MySQL_Init") } DoubleHours() if (g_bIsDoubleHours) { set_task(REPEAT_TIME, "HappyHours", TASK_DOUBLE, _, _, "b") } } public plugin_end() { if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarSaveType)) { if (g_hTuple != Empty_Handle) { SQL_FreeHandle(g_hTuple) } } } public Delay_MySQL_Init() { MySQL_Init() } public MySQL_Init() { if (!get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarSaveType)) return new szHost[64], szUser[32], szPass[32], szDB[128] get_pcvar_string(g_pCvarDBInfo[Host], szHost, charsmax(szHost)) get_pcvar_string(g_pCvarDBInfo[User], szUser, charsmax(szUser)) get_pcvar_string(g_pCvarDBInfo[Pass], szPass, charsmax(szPass)) get_pcvar_string(g_pCvarDBInfo[DB], szDB, charsmax(szDB)) g_hTuple = SQL_MakeDbTuple(szHost, szUser, szPass, szDB) // Let's ensure that the g_hTuple will be valid, we will access the database to make sure new iErrorCode, szError[512], Handle:hSQLConnection hSQLConnection = SQL_Connect(g_hTuple, iErrorCode, szError, charsmax(szError)) if (hSQLConnection != Empty_Handle) { log_amx("[MySQL][LVL] Successfully connected to host: %s (ALL IS OK).", szHost) SQL_FreeHandle(hSQLConnection) } else { // Disable plugin set_fail_state("[LVL] Failed to connect to MySQL database: %s.", szError) } SQL_ThreadQuery(g_hTuple, "QueryCreateTable", g_szTable) } public QueryCreateTable(iFailState, Handle:hQuery, szError[], iError, szData[], iSize, Float:flQueueTime) { SQL_IsFail(iFailState, iError, szError, g_szLogFile) } public client_putinserver(id) { if(is_user_hltv(id) || is_user_bot(id)) return // Just 1 second delay set_task(1.0, "DelayLoad", id) // Other tasks set_task(1.0, "Show_Hud", id+TASK_SHOWHUD, _, _, "b") if (g_bIsDoubleHours) { set_task(REPEAT_TIME, "HappyHours", id+TASK_DOUBLE, _, _, "b") } } public HappyHours(taskid) { DoubleHours() if (!g_bIsDoubleHours) remove_task(taskid) new szDoubleHours[32] get_pcvar_string(g_pCvarDoubleXP, szDoubleHours, charsmax(szDoubleHours)) set_dhudmessage(0, 255, 0, -1.0, 0.20, 0, 0.0, 10.0) show_dhudmessage(0, "DOUBLE XP: %s", szDoubleHours) } public DelayLoad(id) { // Load his data LoadData(id) } public client_disconnected(id) { if(is_user_hltv(id) || is_user_bot(id)) return remove_task(id+TASK_SHOWHUD) remove_task(id) } public Show_Hud(taskid) { new iPlayer = ID_SHOWHUD if (!is_user_alive(iPlayer)) { iPlayer = pev(iPlayer, pev_iuser2) if (!is_user_alive(iPlayer)) return } if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarPercentageStyle) != 0) { if(iPlayer != ID_SHOWHUD) { set_hudmessage(HUD_STATS_SPEC_R, HUD_STATS_SPEC_G, HUD_STATS_SPEC_B, HUD_SPECT_X, HUD_SPECT_Y, 0, 6.0, 1.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1) ShowSyncHudMsg(ID_SHOWHUD, g_MsgSync, "Level: %d | XP: %0.2f %", g_iLevel[iPlayer], (float(g_iXP[iPlayer])/float(g_iMaxXP[iPlayer])) * 100.0) } else if (ze_is_user_zombie(iPlayer)) { set_hudmessage(HUD_STATS_ZOMBIE_R, HUD_STATS_ZOMBIE_G, HUD_STATS_ZOMBIE_B, HUD_STATS_X, HUD_STATS_Y, 0, 6.0, 1.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1) ShowSyncHudMsg(ID_SHOWHUD, g_MsgSync, "Level: %d | XP: %0.2f %", g_iLevel[ID_SHOWHUD], (float(g_iXP[ID_SHOWHUD])/float(g_iMaxXP[ID_SHOWHUD])) * 100.0) } else { set_hudmessage(HUD_STATS_HUMAN_R, HUD_STATS_HUMAN_G, HUD_STATS_HUMAN_B, HUD_STATS_X, HUD_STATS_Y, 0, 6.0, 1.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1) ShowSyncHudMsg(ID_SHOWHUD, g_MsgSync, "Level: %d | XP: %0.2f %", g_iLevel[ID_SHOWHUD], (float(g_iXP[ID_SHOWHUD])/float(g_iMaxXP[ID_SHOWHUD])) * 100.0) } } else { if(iPlayer != ID_SHOWHUD) { if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarAddCommas) == 1) { new szSpecXP[15], szSpecMaxXP[15] AddCommas(g_iXP[iPlayer], szSpecXP, charsmax(szSpecXP)) AddCommas(g_iMaxXP[iPlayer], szSpecMaxXP, charsmax(szSpecMaxXP)) set_hudmessage(HUD_STATS_SPEC_R, HUD_STATS_SPEC_G, HUD_STATS_SPEC_B, HUD_SPECT_X, HUD_SPECT_Y, 0, 6.0, 1.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1) ShowSyncHudMsg(ID_SHOWHUD, g_MsgSync, "Level: %d | XP: %s/%s", g_iLevel[iPlayer], szSpecXP, szSpecMaxXP) } else { set_hudmessage(HUD_STATS_SPEC_R, HUD_STATS_SPEC_G, HUD_STATS_SPEC_B, HUD_SPECT_X, HUD_SPECT_Y, 0, 6.0, 1.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1) ShowSyncHudMsg(ID_SHOWHUD, g_MsgSync, "Level: %d | XP: %d/%d", g_iLevel[iPlayer], g_iXP[iPlayer], g_iMaxXP[iPlayer]) } } else if (ze_is_user_zombie(iPlayer)) { if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarAddCommas) == 1) { new szZombieXP[15], szZombieMaxXP[15] AddCommas(g_iXP[ID_SHOWHUD], szZombieXP, charsmax(szZombieXP)) AddCommas(g_iMaxXP[ID_SHOWHUD], szZombieMaxXP, charsmax(szZombieMaxXP)) set_hudmessage(HUD_STATS_ZOMBIE_R, HUD_STATS_ZOMBIE_G, HUD_STATS_ZOMBIE_B, HUD_STATS_X, HUD_STATS_Y, 0, 6.0, 1.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1) ShowSyncHudMsg(ID_SHOWHUD, g_MsgSync, "Level: %d | XP: %s/%s", g_iLevel[ID_SHOWHUD], szZombieXP, szZombieMaxXP) } else { set_hudmessage(HUD_STATS_ZOMBIE_R, HUD_STATS_ZOMBIE_G, HUD_STATS_ZOMBIE_B, HUD_STATS_X, HUD_STATS_Y, 0, 6.0, 1.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1) ShowSyncHudMsg(ID_SHOWHUD, g_MsgSync, "Level: %d | XP: %d/%d", g_iLevel[ID_SHOWHUD], g_iXP[ID_SHOWHUD], g_iMaxXP[ID_SHOWHUD]) } } else { if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarAddCommas) == 1) { new szHumanXP[15], szHumanMaxXP[15] AddCommas(g_iXP[ID_SHOWHUD], szHumanXP, charsmax(szHumanXP)) AddCommas(g_iMaxXP[ID_SHOWHUD], szHumanMaxXP, charsmax(szHumanMaxXP)) set_hudmessage(HUD_STATS_HUMAN_R, HUD_STATS_HUMAN_G, HUD_STATS_HUMAN_B, HUD_STATS_X, HUD_STATS_Y, 0, 6.0, 1.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1) ShowSyncHudMsg(ID_SHOWHUD, g_MsgSync, "Level: %d | XP: %s/%s", g_iLevel[ID_SHOWHUD], szHumanXP, szHumanMaxXP) } else { set_hudmessage(HUD_STATS_HUMAN_R, HUD_STATS_HUMAN_G, HUD_STATS_HUMAN_B, HUD_STATS_X, HUD_STATS_Y, 0, 6.0, 1.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1) ShowSyncHudMsg(ID_SHOWHUD, g_MsgSync, "Level: %d | XP: %d/%d", g_iLevel[ID_SHOWHUD], g_iXP[ID_SHOWHUD], g_iMaxXP[ID_SHOWHUD]) } } } } public ze_roundend(WinTeam) { if (WinTeam == ZE_TEAM_HUMAN) { new iXP = g_bIsDoubleHours ? (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEscapeSuccess) * 2) : get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEscapeSuccess) for(new id = 1; id <= get_member_game(m_nMaxPlayers); id++) { if (!is_user_alive(id) || ze_is_user_zombie(id)) continue Reward(id, (g_iXP[id] + iXP)) } } remove_task(TASK_SHOWHUD) } public Check_User_Level(id) { if (!is_user_connected(id)) return if (g_iLevel[id] < MAX_LEVEL) { new szName[32] while (g_iXP[id] > g_iMaxXP[id]) { if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarStartFromZero) == 1) { g_iXP[id] = 0 } g_iLevel[id]++ g_iMaxXP[id] = g_iMaxLevelsXP[g_iLevel[id]] get_user_name(id, szName, charsmax(szName)) ze_colored_print(0, "!g%s !tNow in Level %i!y!", szName, g_iLevel[id]) ExecuteForward(Fw_LevelUP, ForwardReturn, id) SaveData(id) PlaySound(id, LEVELUP) if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarLevelEffects) != 0) { // Screen Fade message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("ScreenFade"), {0,0,0}, id) write_short(4096*2) write_short(4096*5) write_short(0x0001) write_byte(random(256)) write_byte(random(256)) write_byte(random(256)) write_byte(150) message_end() // Screen Shake message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("ScreenShake"), {0,0,0}, id) write_short(255<<14) write_short(10<<14) write_short(255<<14) message_end() } } } } public ze_user_infected(iVictim, iInfector) { if (iInfector == 0) return new iXP = g_bIsDoubleHours ? (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarZombieInfect) * 2) : get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarZombieInfect) Reward(iInfector, (g_iXP[iInfector] + iXP)) } public Fw_TakeDamage_Post(iVictim, iInflictor, iAttacker, Float:fDamage, bitsDamageType) { // Player Damage Himself if (iVictim == iAttacker || !is_user_alive(iVictim) || !is_user_alive(iAttacker) || ze_is_user_zombie(iAttacker) || !get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEnableDamage)) return HC_CONTINUE // Same Team? if (get_member(iAttacker, m_iTeam) == get_member(iVictim, m_iTeam)) return HC_CONTINUE // Store Damage For every Player g_fDamage[iAttacker] += fDamage // Damage Calculator Equal or Higher than needed damage if (g_fDamage[iAttacker] >= get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarRequiredDamage)) { // Player did damage that a multiplication of the cvar? Increase coins by this factor new iMultiplier = floatround(g_fDamage[iAttacker] / get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarRequiredDamage)) new iXP = ((g_bIsDoubleHours ? (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarDamageAward) * 2) : get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarDamageAward)) * iMultiplier) Reward(iAttacker, (g_iXP[iAttacker] + iXP)) // Rest The Damage Calculator g_fDamage[iAttacker] = 0.0 } return HC_CONTINUE } public Reward(id, XP) { if ((g_iLevel[id] + 1) < MAX_LEVEL) { g_iXP[id] = XP Check_User_Level(id) } else { if ((g_iXP[id] + XP) >= g_iMaxLevelsXP[MAX_LEVEL - 1]) { g_iXP[id] = g_iMaxXP[id] = g_iMaxLevelsXP[MAX_LEVEL - 1] } } SaveData(id) } public SaveData(id) { new szAuthID[35], szName[32] get_user_authid(id, szAuthID, charsmax(szAuthID)) get_user_name(id, szName, charsmax(szName)) if (!get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarSaveType)) { new szData[256] formatex(szData , charsmax(szData), "%i %i", g_iLevel[id], g_iXP[id]) // Open the Vaults g_iLevelsVaultHandle = nvault_open(g_szLevelsVault) g_iRanksVaultHandle = nvault_open(g_szRanksVault) // Saves His Data nvault_set(g_iLevelsVaultHandle, szAuthID, szData) nvault_set(g_iRanksVaultHandle, szAuthID, szName) // Close Vaults nvault_close(g_iLevelsVaultHandle) nvault_close(g_iRanksVaultHandle) } else { new szQuery[128] formatex(szQuery, charsmax(szQuery), "UPDATE `zombie_escape` SET `Level` = '%d', `XP` = '%d' WHERE ( `SteamID` = '%s' );", g_iLevel[id], g_iXP[id], szAuthID) SQL_ThreadQuery(g_hTuple, "QuerySetData", szQuery) } } public QuerySetData(iFailState, Handle:hQuery, szError[], iError, szData[], iSize, Float:flQueueTime) { SQL_IsFail(iFailState, iError, szError, g_szLogFile) } public QuerySetData2(iFailState, Handle:hQuery, szError[], iError, szData[], iSize, Float:flQueueTime) { SQL_IsFail(iFailState, iError, szError, g_szLogFile) } public LoadData(id) { new szAuthID[35] get_user_authid(id, szAuthID, charsmax(szAuthID)) if (!get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarSaveType)) { new szData[256], iTimestamp, iExists // Open the Vault g_iLevelsVaultHandle = nvault_open(g_szLevelsVault) iExists = nvault_lookup(g_iLevelsVaultHandle, szAuthID, szData, charsmax(szData), iTimestamp) // Close Vault nvault_close(g_iLevelsVaultHandle) if (!iExists) { g_iLevel[id] = 0 g_iXP[id] = get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarStartXP) SaveData(id) } else { new iLevel[32], iXP[32] parse(szData, iLevel, 31, iXP, 31) g_iLevel[id] = str_to_num(iLevel) g_iXP[id] = str_to_num(iXP) } g_iMaxXP[id] = g_iMaxLevelsXP[g_iLevel[id]] } else { new szQuery[128], szData[5] formatex(szQuery, charsmax(szQuery), "SELECT * FROM `zombie_escape` WHERE ( `SteamID` = '%s' );", szAuthID) num_to_str(id, szData, charsmax(szData)) SQL_ThreadQuery(g_hTuple, "QuerySelectData", szQuery, szData, charsmax(szData)) } } public QuerySelectData(iFailState, Handle:hQuery, szError[], iError, szData[]) { if (SQL_IsFail(iFailState, iError, szError, g_szLogFile)) return new id = str_to_num(szData) // No results for this query means this is new player if (!SQL_NumResults(hQuery)) { g_iLevel[id] = 0 g_iXP[id] = get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarStartXP) } else { g_iLevel[id] = SQL_ReadResult(hQuery, SQL_FieldNameToNum(hQuery, "Level")) g_iXP[id] = SQL_ReadResult(hQuery, SQL_FieldNameToNum(hQuery, "XP")) } g_iMaxXP[id] = g_iMaxLevelsXP[g_iLevel[id]] } public native_ze_get_user_xp(id) { if(!is_user_connected(id)) { log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZE] Invalid Player id (%d)", id) return false; } return g_iXP[id] } public native_ze_set_user_xp(id, amount) { if(!is_user_connected(id)) { log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZE] Invalid Player id (%d)", id) return false } DoubleHours() new addedXP = (amount - g_iXP[id]) new iXP = g_bIsDoubleHours ? (addedXP * 2) : addedXP Reward(id, g_iXP[id] + iXP) return true } public native_ze_get_user_level(id) { if(!is_user_connected(id)) { log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZE] Invalid Player id (%d)", id) return false; } return g_iLevel[id] } public native_ze_set_user_level(id, amount) { if(!is_user_connected(id)) { log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZE] Invalid Player id (%d)", id) return false } if (amount > MAX_LEVEL) { log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Level must be less than or equal to MAX_LEVEL (%d)", MAX_LEVEL) return false } g_iLevel[id] = amount if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarStartFromZero) == 1) { g_iXP[id] = 0 } SaveData(id) return true } public native_ze_get_user_max_xp(id) { if(!is_user_connected(id)) { log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZE] Invalid Player id (%d)", id) return false } return g_iMaxXP[id] } stock DoubleHours() { new szTime[3], szDoubleHours[32], szDoubleHours_Start[32], szDoubleHours_End[32] get_time("%H", szTime, charsmax(szTime)) get_pcvar_string(g_pCvarDoubleXP, szDoubleHours, charsmax(szDoubleHours)) for (new ch = 0; ch <= charsmax(szDoubleHours); ch++) { if (szDoubleHours[ch] == '-') szDoubleHours[ch] = ' ' } parse(szDoubleHours, szDoubleHours_Start, charsmax(szDoubleHours_Start), szDoubleHours_End, charsmax(szDoubleHours_End)) new iTime, iDoubleHourStart, iDoubleHourEnd iTime = str_to_num(szTime) iDoubleHourStart = str_to_num(szDoubleHours_Start) iDoubleHourEnd = str_to_num(szDoubleHours_End) if (iDoubleHourEnd > iTime >= iDoubleHourStart) { g_bIsDoubleHours = true } else { g_bIsDoubleHours = false } }