New Idea
New Idea
Need Help !!!
Need To Add A New Weapons To Level Guns Menu Like Ethereal from level 20 and Frost M4a1 Level 25 Fire Ak level 30 Thantos 7 Level 40 ...!!!
Need To Add A New Weapons To Level Guns Menu Like Ethereal from level 20 and Frost M4a1 Level 25 Fire Ak level 30 Thantos 7 Level 40 ...!!!
DRK Zombie-Escape V1.6
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i mean add balrog ethereal and frost m4a1 to level weapon menu
DRK Zombie-Escape V1.6
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Give me your Gun Menu Code I will show u how u can add it !
Nobody Is That Busy If They Make Time
i use the normal code of Level Guns Menu
Code: Select all
#include <zombie_escape>
#include <ze_levels>
// Setting File
new const ZE_SETTING_RESOURCES[] = "zombie_escape.ini"
// Keys
// Primary Weapons Entities [Default Values]
new const szPrimaryWeaponEnt[][] =
"weapon_xm1014", // Level 0
"weapon_ump45", // Level 0
"weapon_m3", // Level 1
"weapon_mp5navy", // Level 2
"weapon_p90", // Level 3
"weapon_galil", // Level 4
"weapon_famas", // Level 5
"weapon_sg550", // Level 6
"weapon_g3sg1", // Level 7
"weapon_m249", // Level 8
"weapon_sg552", // Level 9
"weapon_aug", // Level 10
"weapon_m4a1", // Level 11
"weapon_ak47" // Level 12
// Secondary Weapons Entities [Default Values]
new const szSecondaryWeaponEnt[][]=
"weapon_usp", // Level 0
"weapon_p228", // Level 0
"weapon_glock18", // Level 1
"weapon_fiveseven", // Level 2
"weapon_deagle", // Level 3
"weapon_elite" // Level 4
// Primary and Secondary Weapons Names [Default Values]
new const szWeaponNames[][] =
"HE Grenade",
"Smoke Grenade",
"Dual Elite",
"Five Seven",
"UMP 45",
"Desert Eagle",
// Max Back Clip Ammo (Change it From here if you need)
new const szMaxBPAmmo[] =
// Menu selections
const MENU_KEY_BACK = 7
const MENU_KEY_NEXT = 8
const MENU_KEY_EXIT = 9
// Variables
new Array:g_szPrimaryWeapons
new Array:g_szSecondaryWeapons
new g_iMenuData[33][4], Float:g_fBuyTimeStart[33], bool:g_bBoughtPrimary[33], bool:g_bBoughtSecondary[33]
new WPN_MAXIDS[33]
new Cvar_Block_Weap_LowLevel
// Define
#define WPN_STARTID g_iMenuData[id][0]
#define WPN_SELECTION (g_iMenuData[id][0]+key)
#define WPN_AUTO_ON g_iMenuData[id][1]
#define WPN_AUTO_PRI g_iMenuData[id][2]
#define WPN_AUTO_SEC g_iMenuData[id][3]
// Cvars
new Cvar_Buy_Time, Cvar_HE_Grenade, Cvar_Smoke_Grenade, Cvar_FB_Grenade
public plugin_precache()
// Initialize arrays (32 is the max length of Weapon Entity like: weapon_ak47)
g_szPrimaryWeapons = ArrayCreate(32, 1)
g_szSecondaryWeapons = ArrayCreate(32, 1)
// Load from external file
amx_load_setting_string_arr(ZE_SETTING_RESOURCES, "Weapons Menu", "PRIMARY", g_szPrimaryWeapons)
amx_load_setting_string_arr(ZE_SETTING_RESOURCES, "Weapons Menu", "SECONDARY", g_szSecondaryWeapons)
// If we couldn't load from file, use and save default ones
new iIndex
if (ArraySize(g_szPrimaryWeapons) == 0)
for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < sizeof szPrimaryWeaponEnt; iIndex++)
ArrayPushString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, szPrimaryWeaponEnt[iIndex])
// If not found .ini File Create it and save default values in it
amx_save_setting_string_arr(ZE_SETTING_RESOURCES, "Weapons Menu", "PRIMARY", g_szPrimaryWeapons)
if (ArraySize(g_szSecondaryWeapons) == 0)
for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < sizeof szSecondaryWeaponEnt; iIndex++)
ArrayPushString(g_szSecondaryWeapons, szSecondaryWeaponEnt[iIndex])
// If not found .ini File Create it and save default values in it
amx_save_setting_string_arr(ZE_SETTING_RESOURCES, "Weapons Menu", "SECONDARY", g_szSecondaryWeapons)
public plugin_init()
register_plugin("[ZE] Levels Weapons Menu", "1.1", "Raheem")
// Commands
register_clcmd("guns", "Cmd_Buy")
register_clcmd("say /enable", "Cmd_Enable")
register_clcmd("say_team /enable", "Cmd_Enable")
// Cvars
Cvar_Buy_Time = register_cvar("ze_buy_time", "60")
Cvar_HE_Grenade = register_cvar("ze_give_HE_nade", "1") // 0 Nothing || 1 Give HE
Cvar_Smoke_Grenade = register_cvar("ze_give_smoke_nade", "1")
Cvar_FB_Grenade = register_cvar("ze_give_FB_nade", "1")
Cvar_Block_Weap_LowLevel = register_cvar("ze_block_weapons_lowlvl", "1")
// Menus
register_menu("Primary Weapons", KEYSMENU, "Menu_Buy_Primary")
register_menu("Secondary Weapons", KEYSMENU, "Menu_Buy_Secondary")
// Hams
RegisterHam(Ham_Touch, "weaponbox", "Fw_TouchWeapon_Pre", 0)
RegisterHam(Ham_Touch, "armoury_entity", "Fw_TouchWeapon_Pre", 0)
public client_disconnect(id)
public Cmd_Enable(id)
ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "BUY_ENABLED")
public Cmd_Buy(id)
// Player Zombie
if (ze_is_user_zombie(id))
ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "NO_BUY_ZOMBIE")
// Player Dead
if (!is_user_alive(id))
ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DEAD_CANT_BUY_WEAPON")
// Already bought
if (g_bBoughtPrimary[id] && g_bBoughtSecondary[id])
ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "ALREADY_BOUGHT")
public ze_user_humanized(id)
// Static Values
switch (ze_get_user_level(id))
case 0: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 2
case 1: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 3
case 2: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 4
case 3: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 5
case 4: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 6
case 5: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 7
case 6: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 8
case 7: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 9
case 8: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 10
case 9: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 11
case 10: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 12
case 11: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 13
case 12: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 14
if (ze_get_user_level(id) > 12)
WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 14
// Buyzone time starts when player is set to human
g_fBuyTimeStart[id] = get_gametime()
g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = false
g_bBoughtSecondary[id] = false
// Player dead or zombie
if (!is_user_alive(id) || ze_is_user_zombie(id))
ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "RE_ENABLE_MENU")
Buy_Primary_Weapon(id, WPN_AUTO_PRI)
Buy_Secondary_Weapon(id, WPN_AUTO_SEC)
// Open available buy menus
// Give HE Grenade
if (get_pcvar_num(Cvar_HE_Grenade) != 0)
rg_give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade")
// Give Smoke Grenade
if (get_pcvar_num(Cvar_Smoke_Grenade) != 0)
rg_give_item(id, "weapon_smokegrenade")
// Give Flashbang Grenade
if (get_pcvar_num(Cvar_FB_Grenade) != 0)
rg_give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang")
public Show_Available_Buy_Menus(id)
// Already Bought
if (g_bBoughtPrimary[id] && g_bBoughtSecondary[id])
// Here we use if and else if so we make sure that Primary weapon come first then secondary
if (!g_bBoughtPrimary[id])
// Primary
else if (!g_bBoughtSecondary[id])
// Secondary
public Show_Menu_Buy_Primary(id)
new iMenuTime = floatround(g_fBuyTimeStart[id] + get_pcvar_float(Cvar_Buy_Time) - get_gametime())
if (iMenuTime <= 0)
ze_colored_print(id, "%L", id, "BUY_MENU_TIME_EXPIRED")
static szMenu[300], szWeaponName[32]
new iLen, iIndex, iMaxLoops = min(WPN_STARTID+7, WPN_MAXIDS[id])
// Title
iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\y%L \w[\r%d\w-\r%d\w]^n^n", id, "MENU_PRIMARY_TITLE", WPN_STARTID+1, min(WPN_STARTID+7, WPN_MAXIDS[id]))
// 1-7. Weapon List
for (iIndex = WPN_STARTID; iIndex < iMaxLoops; iIndex++)
if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 0 && iIndex >= 2||
ze_get_user_level(id) == 1 && iIndex >= 3 ||
ze_get_user_level(id) == 2 && iIndex >= 4 ||
ze_get_user_level(id) == 3 && iIndex >= 5 ||
ze_get_user_level(id) == 4 && iIndex >= 6 ||
ze_get_user_level(id) == 5 && iIndex >= 7 ||
ze_get_user_level(id) == 6 && iIndex >= 8 ||
ze_get_user_level(id) == 7 && iIndex >= 9 ||
ze_get_user_level(id) == 8 && iIndex >= 10 ||
ze_get_user_level(id) == 9 && iIndex >= 11 ||
ze_get_user_level(id) == 10 && iIndex >= 12 ||
ze_get_user_level(id) == 11 && iIndex >= 13 ||
ze_get_user_level(id) == 12 && iIndex >= 14)
ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, iIndex, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
if (iIndex < 7)
ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, iIndex, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 5)
ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 7, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 6)
ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 8, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 7)
ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 9, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 8)
ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 10, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 9)
ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 11, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 10)
ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 12, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 11)
ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 13, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
// 8. Auto Select
iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\w8.\y %L \w[\r%L\w]", id, "MENU_AUTOSELECT", id, (WPN_AUTO_ON) ? "SAVE_YES" : "SAVE_NO")
// 9. Next/Back - 0. Exit
iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n^n\y9.\r %L \w/ \r%L^n^n\w0.\y %L", id, "NEXT", id, "BACK", id, "EXIT")
// Fix for AMXX custom menus
set_pdata_int(id, OFFSET_CSMENUCODE, 0)
show_menu(id, KEYSMENU, szMenu, iMenuTime, "Primary Weapons")
public Show_Menu_Buy_Secondary(id)
new iMenuTime = floatround(g_fBuyTimeStart[id] + get_pcvar_float(Cvar_Buy_Time) - get_gametime())
if (iMenuTime <= 0)
ze_colored_print(id, "%L", id, "BUY_MENU_TIME_EXPIRED")
static szMenu[250], szWeaponName[32]
new iLen, iIndex, iMaxLoops = ArraySize(g_szSecondaryWeapons)
// Title
iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\y%L^n", id, "MENU_SECONDARY_TITLE")
// 1-6. Weapon List
for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < iMaxLoops; iIndex++)
if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 0 && iIndex >= 2 ||
ze_get_user_level(id) == 1 && iIndex >= 3 ||
ze_get_user_level(id) == 2 && iIndex >= 4 ||
ze_get_user_level(id) == 3 && iIndex >= 5 ||
ze_get_user_level(id) == 4 && iIndex >= 6)
ArrayGetString(g_szSecondaryWeapons, iIndex, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\w%d.\y %s", iIndex+1, szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
if (iIndex < ArraySize(g_szSecondaryWeapons))
ArrayGetString(g_szSecondaryWeapons, iIndex, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)])
// 8. Auto Select
iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n^n\w8.\y %L \w[\r%L\w]", id, "MENU_AUTOSELECT", id, (WPN_AUTO_ON) ? "SAVE_YES" : "SAVE_NO")
// 0. Exit
iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n^n\w0.\y %L", id, "EXIT")
// Fix for AMXX custom menus
set_pdata_int(id, OFFSET_CSMENUCODE, 0)
show_menu(id, KEYSMENU, szMenu, iMenuTime, "Secondary Weapons")
public Menu_Buy_Primary(id, key)
// Player dead or zombie or already bought primary
if (!is_user_alive(id) || ze_is_user_zombie(id) || g_bBoughtPrimary[id])
// Special keys / weapon list exceeded
switch (key)
case MENU_KEY_AUTOSELECT: // toggle auto select
case MENU_KEY_NEXT: // next/back
case MENU_KEY_EXIT: // exit
// Show buy menu again
// Store selected weapon id
// Buy primary weapon
Buy_Primary_Weapon(id, WPN_AUTO_PRI)
// Show Secondary Weapons
public Buy_Primary_Weapon(id, selection)
static szWeaponName[32]
ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, selection, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
new iWeaponId = get_weaponid(szWeaponName)
// Strip and Give Full Weapon
rg_give_item(id, szWeaponName, GT_REPLACE)
rg_set_user_bpammo(id, WeaponIdType:iWeaponId, szMaxBPAmmo[iWeaponId])
// Primary bought
g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true
public Menu_Buy_Secondary(id, key)
// Player dead or zombie or already bought secondary
if (!is_user_alive(id) || ze_is_user_zombie(id) || g_bBoughtSecondary[id])
// Special keys / weapon list exceeded
if (key >= ArraySize(g_szSecondaryWeapons))
// Toggle autoselect
// Reshow menu unless user exited
if (key != MENU_KEY_EXIT)
// Store selected weapon id
// Buy secondary weapon
Buy_Secondary_Weapon(id, key)
public Buy_Secondary_Weapon(id, selection)
if ( ((selection == 2) && (ze_get_user_level(id) < 1)) ||
((selection == 3) && (ze_get_user_level(id) < 2)) ||
((selection == 4) && (ze_get_user_level(id) < 3)) ||
((selection == 5) && (ze_get_user_level(id) < 4)) )
static szWeaponName[32]
ArrayGetString(g_szSecondaryWeapons, selection, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName))
new iWeaponId = get_weaponid(szWeaponName)
// Strip and Give Full Weapon
rg_give_item(id, szWeaponName, GT_REPLACE)
rg_set_user_bpammo(id, WeaponIdType:iWeaponId, szMaxBPAmmo[iWeaponId])
// Secondary bought
g_bBoughtSecondary[id] = true
public Fw_TouchWeapon_Pre(iEnt, id)
if (get_pcvar_num(Cvar_Block_Weap_LowLevel) == 0)
// Not alive or Not Valid Weapon?
if(!is_user_alive(id) || !pev_valid(iEnt))
// Get Weapon Model
new szWeapModel[32]
pev(iEnt, pev_model, szWeapModel, charsmax(szWeapModel))
// Remove "models/w_" and ".mdl"
copyc(szWeapModel, charsmax(szWeapModel), szWeapModel[contain(szWeapModel, "_" ) + 1], '.')
// Set for mp5 to be same as "weapon_mp5navy"
if(szWeapModel[1] == 'p' && szWeapModel[2] == '5')
szWeapModel = "mp5navy"
// Add "weapon_" to all model names
static szWeaponEnt[32]
formatex(szWeaponEnt, charsmax(szWeaponEnt), "weapon_%s", szWeapModel)
// Get it's index in Weapon Array
new iIndex, i
// I won't explain the blew code if you need to understand ask me in Escapers-Zone.XYZ
for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(g_szPrimaryWeapons); i++)
new szPrimaryWeapon[32]
ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, i, szPrimaryWeapon, charsmax(szPrimaryWeapon))
if (equali(szWeaponEnt, szPrimaryWeapon))
iIndex = i
if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 0 && iIndex > 1)
for (i = 1; i <= 11; i++)
if ((ze_get_user_level(id) == i) && iIndex > i+1)
DRK Zombie-Escape V1.6
IP :
IP :
- Veteran Member
- Posts: 679
- Joined: 7 years ago
- Location: Paraguay
- Contact:
Not this One Dude !Luxurious wrote: ↑6 years ago i use the normal code of Level Guns Menu
Code: Select all
#include <zombie_escape> #include <ze_levels> // Setting File new const ZE_SETTING_RESOURCES[] = "zombie_escape.ini" // Keys const KEYSMENU = MENU_KEY_1|MENU_KEY_2|MENU_KEY_3|MENU_KEY_4|MENU_KEY_5|MENU_KEY_6|MENU_KEY_7|MENU_KEY_8|MENU_KEY_9|MENU_KEY_0 const OFFSET_CSMENUCODE = 205 // Primary Weapons Entities [Default Values] new const szPrimaryWeaponEnt[][] = { "weapon_xm1014", // Level 0 "weapon_ump45", // Level 0 "weapon_m3", // Level 1 "weapon_mp5navy", // Level 2 "weapon_p90", // Level 3 "weapon_galil", // Level 4 "weapon_famas", // Level 5 "weapon_sg550", // Level 6 "weapon_g3sg1", // Level 7 "weapon_m249", // Level 8 "weapon_sg552", // Level 9 "weapon_aug", // Level 10 "weapon_m4a1", // Level 11 "weapon_ak47" // Level 12 } // Secondary Weapons Entities [Default Values] new const szSecondaryWeaponEnt[][]= { "weapon_usp", // Level 0 "weapon_p228", // Level 0 "weapon_glock18", // Level 1 "weapon_fiveseven", // Level 2 "weapon_deagle", // Level 3 "weapon_elite" // Level 4 } // Primary and Secondary Weapons Names [Default Values] new const szWeaponNames[][] = { "", "P228", "", "Scout", "HE Grenade", "XM1014", "", "MAC-10", "AUG", "Smoke Grenade", "Dual Elite", "Five Seven", "UMP 45", "SG-550", "Galil", "Famas", "USP", "Glock", "AWP", "MP5", "M249", "M3", "M4A1", "TMP", "G3SG1", "Flashbang", "Desert Eagle", "SG-552", "AK-47", "", "P90" } // Max Back Clip Ammo (Change it From here if you need) new const szMaxBPAmmo[] = { -1, 52, -1, 90, 1, 32, 1, 100, 90, 1, 120, 100, 100, 90, 90, 90, 100, 120, 30, 120, 200, 32, 90, 120, 90, 2, 35, 90, 90, -1, 100 } // Menu selections const MENU_KEY_AUTOSELECT = 7 const MENU_KEY_BACK = 7 const MENU_KEY_NEXT = 8 const MENU_KEY_EXIT = 9 // Variables new Array:g_szPrimaryWeapons new Array:g_szSecondaryWeapons new g_iMenuData[33][4], Float:g_fBuyTimeStart[33], bool:g_bBoughtPrimary[33], bool:g_bBoughtSecondary[33] new WPN_MAXIDS[33] new Cvar_Block_Weap_LowLevel // Define #define WPN_STARTID g_iMenuData[id][0] #define WPN_SELECTION (g_iMenuData[id][0]+key) #define WPN_AUTO_ON g_iMenuData[id][1] #define WPN_AUTO_PRI g_iMenuData[id][2] #define WPN_AUTO_SEC g_iMenuData[id][3] // Cvars new Cvar_Buy_Time, Cvar_HE_Grenade, Cvar_Smoke_Grenade, Cvar_FB_Grenade public plugin_precache() { // Initialize arrays (32 is the max length of Weapon Entity like: weapon_ak47) g_szPrimaryWeapons = ArrayCreate(32, 1) g_szSecondaryWeapons = ArrayCreate(32, 1) // Load from external file amx_load_setting_string_arr(ZE_SETTING_RESOURCES, "Weapons Menu", "PRIMARY", g_szPrimaryWeapons) amx_load_setting_string_arr(ZE_SETTING_RESOURCES, "Weapons Menu", "SECONDARY", g_szSecondaryWeapons) // If we couldn't load from file, use and save default ones new iIndex if (ArraySize(g_szPrimaryWeapons) == 0) { for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < sizeof szPrimaryWeaponEnt; iIndex++) ArrayPushString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, szPrimaryWeaponEnt[iIndex]) // If not found .ini File Create it and save default values in it amx_save_setting_string_arr(ZE_SETTING_RESOURCES, "Weapons Menu", "PRIMARY", g_szPrimaryWeapons) } if (ArraySize(g_szSecondaryWeapons) == 0) { for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < sizeof szSecondaryWeaponEnt; iIndex++) ArrayPushString(g_szSecondaryWeapons, szSecondaryWeaponEnt[iIndex]) // If not found .ini File Create it and save default values in it amx_save_setting_string_arr(ZE_SETTING_RESOURCES, "Weapons Menu", "SECONDARY", g_szSecondaryWeapons) } } public plugin_init() { register_plugin("[ZE] Levels Weapons Menu", "1.1", "Raheem") // Commands register_clcmd("guns", "Cmd_Buy") register_clcmd("say /enable", "Cmd_Enable") register_clcmd("say_team /enable", "Cmd_Enable") // Cvars Cvar_Buy_Time = register_cvar("ze_buy_time", "60") Cvar_HE_Grenade = register_cvar("ze_give_HE_nade", "1") // 0 Nothing || 1 Give HE Cvar_Smoke_Grenade = register_cvar("ze_give_smoke_nade", "1") Cvar_FB_Grenade = register_cvar("ze_give_FB_nade", "1") Cvar_Block_Weap_LowLevel = register_cvar("ze_block_weapons_lowlvl", "1") // Menus register_menu("Primary Weapons", KEYSMENU, "Menu_Buy_Primary") register_menu("Secondary Weapons", KEYSMENU, "Menu_Buy_Secondary") // Hams RegisterHam(Ham_Touch, "weaponbox", "Fw_TouchWeapon_Pre", 0) RegisterHam(Ham_Touch, "armoury_entity", "Fw_TouchWeapon_Pre", 0) } public client_disconnect(id) { WPN_AUTO_ON = 0 WPN_STARTID = 0 } public Cmd_Enable(id) { if (WPN_AUTO_ON) { ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "BUY_ENABLED") WPN_AUTO_ON = 0 } } public Cmd_Buy(id) { // Player Zombie if (ze_is_user_zombie(id)) { ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "NO_BUY_ZOMBIE") return } // Player Dead if (!is_user_alive(id)) { ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DEAD_CANT_BUY_WEAPON") return } // Already bought if (g_bBoughtPrimary[id] && g_bBoughtSecondary[id]) { ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "ALREADY_BOUGHT") } Show_Available_Buy_Menus(id) } public ze_user_humanized(id) { // Static Values switch (ze_get_user_level(id)) { case 0: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 2 case 1: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 3 case 2: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 4 case 3: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 5 case 4: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 6 case 5: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 7 case 6: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 8 case 7: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 9 case 8: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 10 case 9: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 11 case 10: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 12 case 11: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 13 case 12: WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 14 } if (ze_get_user_level(id) > 12) { WPN_MAXIDS[id] = 14 } // Buyzone time starts when player is set to human g_fBuyTimeStart[id] = get_gametime() g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = false g_bBoughtSecondary[id] = false // Player dead or zombie if (!is_user_alive(id) || ze_is_user_zombie(id)) return if (WPN_AUTO_ON) { ze_colored_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "RE_ENABLE_MENU") Buy_Primary_Weapon(id, WPN_AUTO_PRI) Buy_Secondary_Weapon(id, WPN_AUTO_SEC) } // Open available buy menus Show_Available_Buy_Menus(id) // Give HE Grenade if (get_pcvar_num(Cvar_HE_Grenade) != 0) rg_give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade") // Give Smoke Grenade if (get_pcvar_num(Cvar_Smoke_Grenade) != 0) rg_give_item(id, "weapon_smokegrenade") // Give Flashbang Grenade if (get_pcvar_num(Cvar_FB_Grenade) != 0) rg_give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang") } public Show_Available_Buy_Menus(id) { // Already Bought if (g_bBoughtPrimary[id] && g_bBoughtSecondary[id]) return // Here we use if and else if so we make sure that Primary weapon come first then secondary if (!g_bBoughtPrimary[id]) { // Primary Show_Menu_Buy_Primary(id) } else if (!g_bBoughtSecondary[id]) { // Secondary Show_Menu_Buy_Secondary(id) } } public Show_Menu_Buy_Primary(id) { new iMenuTime = floatround(g_fBuyTimeStart[id] + get_pcvar_float(Cvar_Buy_Time) - get_gametime()) if (iMenuTime <= 0) { ze_colored_print(id, "%L", id, "BUY_MENU_TIME_EXPIRED") return } static szMenu[300], szWeaponName[32] new iLen, iIndex, iMaxLoops = min(WPN_STARTID+7, WPN_MAXIDS[id]) // Title iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\y%L \w[\r%d\w-\r%d\w]^n^n", id, "MENU_PRIMARY_TITLE", WPN_STARTID+1, min(WPN_STARTID+7, WPN_MAXIDS[id])) // 1-7. Weapon List for (iIndex = WPN_STARTID; iIndex < iMaxLoops; iIndex++) { if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 0 && iIndex >= 2|| ze_get_user_level(id) == 1 && iIndex >= 3 || ze_get_user_level(id) == 2 && iIndex >= 4 || ze_get_user_level(id) == 3 && iIndex >= 5 || ze_get_user_level(id) == 4 && iIndex >= 6 || ze_get_user_level(id) == 5 && iIndex >= 7 || ze_get_user_level(id) == 6 && iIndex >= 8 || ze_get_user_level(id) == 7 && iIndex >= 9 || ze_get_user_level(id) == 8 && iIndex >= 10 || ze_get_user_level(id) == 9 && iIndex >= 11 || ze_get_user_level(id) == 10 && iIndex >= 12 || ze_get_user_level(id) == 11 && iIndex >= 13 || ze_get_user_level(id) == 12 && iIndex >= 14) { break } ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, iIndex, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName)) iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\w%d.\y %s^n", iIndex-WPN_STARTID+1, szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)]) } if (iIndex < 7) { ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, iIndex, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName)) iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)]) } if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 5) { ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 7, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName)) iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)]) } else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 6) { ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 8, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName)) iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)]) } else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 7) { ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 9, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName)) iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)]) } else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 8) { ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 10, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName)) iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)]) } else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 9) { ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 11, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName)) iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)]) } else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 10) { ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 12, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName)) iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)]) } else if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 11) { ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, 13, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName)) iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s^n", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)]) } // 8. Auto Select iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\w8.\y %L \w[\r%L\w]", id, "MENU_AUTOSELECT", id, (WPN_AUTO_ON) ? "SAVE_YES" : "SAVE_NO") // 9. Next/Back - 0. Exit iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n^n\y9.\r %L \w/ \r%L^n^n\w0.\y %L", id, "NEXT", id, "BACK", id, "EXIT") // Fix for AMXX custom menus set_pdata_int(id, OFFSET_CSMENUCODE, 0) show_menu(id, KEYSMENU, szMenu, iMenuTime, "Primary Weapons") } public Show_Menu_Buy_Secondary(id) { new iMenuTime = floatround(g_fBuyTimeStart[id] + get_pcvar_float(Cvar_Buy_Time) - get_gametime()) if (iMenuTime <= 0) { ze_colored_print(id, "%L", id, "BUY_MENU_TIME_EXPIRED") return } static szMenu[250], szWeaponName[32] new iLen, iIndex, iMaxLoops = ArraySize(g_szSecondaryWeapons) // Title iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\y%L^n", id, "MENU_SECONDARY_TITLE") // 1-6. Weapon List for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < iMaxLoops; iIndex++) { if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 0 && iIndex >= 2 || ze_get_user_level(id) == 1 && iIndex >= 3 || ze_get_user_level(id) == 2 && iIndex >= 4 || ze_get_user_level(id) == 3 && iIndex >= 5 || ze_get_user_level(id) == 4 && iIndex >= 6) { break } ArrayGetString(g_szSecondaryWeapons, iIndex, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName)) iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\w%d.\y %s", iIndex+1, szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)]) } if (iIndex < ArraySize(g_szSecondaryWeapons)) { ArrayGetString(g_szSecondaryWeapons, iIndex, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName)) iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n^n\r Next Level Unlock\w: \y%s", szWeaponNames[get_weaponid(szWeaponName)]) } // 8. Auto Select iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n^n\w8.\y %L \w[\r%L\w]", id, "MENU_AUTOSELECT", id, (WPN_AUTO_ON) ? "SAVE_YES" : "SAVE_NO") // 0. Exit iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n^n\w0.\y %L", id, "EXIT") // Fix for AMXX custom menus set_pdata_int(id, OFFSET_CSMENUCODE, 0) show_menu(id, KEYSMENU, szMenu, iMenuTime, "Secondary Weapons") } public Menu_Buy_Primary(id, key) { // Player dead or zombie or already bought primary if (!is_user_alive(id) || ze_is_user_zombie(id) || g_bBoughtPrimary[id]) return PLUGIN_HANDLED // Special keys / weapon list exceeded if (key >= MENU_KEY_AUTOSELECT || WPN_SELECTION >= WPN_MAXIDS[id]) { switch (key) { case MENU_KEY_AUTOSELECT: // toggle auto select { WPN_AUTO_ON = 1 - WPN_AUTO_ON } case MENU_KEY_NEXT: // next/back { if (WPN_STARTID+7 < WPN_MAXIDS[id]) WPN_STARTID += 7 else WPN_STARTID = 0 } case MENU_KEY_EXIT: // exit { return PLUGIN_HANDLED } } // Show buy menu again Show_Menu_Buy_Primary(id) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } // Store selected weapon id WPN_AUTO_PRI = WPN_SELECTION // Buy primary weapon Buy_Primary_Weapon(id, WPN_AUTO_PRI) // Show Secondary Weapons Show_Available_Buy_Menus(id) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public Buy_Primary_Weapon(id, selection) { static szWeaponName[32] ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, selection, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName)) new iWeaponId = get_weaponid(szWeaponName) // Strip and Give Full Weapon rg_give_item(id, szWeaponName, GT_REPLACE) rg_set_user_bpammo(id, WeaponIdType:iWeaponId, szMaxBPAmmo[iWeaponId]) // Primary bought g_bBoughtPrimary[id] = true } public Menu_Buy_Secondary(id, key) { // Player dead or zombie or already bought secondary if (!is_user_alive(id) || ze_is_user_zombie(id) || g_bBoughtSecondary[id]) return PLUGIN_HANDLED // Special keys / weapon list exceeded if (key >= ArraySize(g_szSecondaryWeapons)) { // Toggle autoselect if (key == MENU_KEY_AUTOSELECT) WPN_AUTO_ON = 1 - WPN_AUTO_ON // Reshow menu unless user exited if (key != MENU_KEY_EXIT) Show_Menu_Buy_Secondary(id) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } // Store selected weapon id WPN_AUTO_SEC = key // Buy secondary weapon Buy_Secondary_Weapon(id, key) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public Buy_Secondary_Weapon(id, selection) { if ( ((selection == 2) && (ze_get_user_level(id) < 1)) || ((selection == 3) && (ze_get_user_level(id) < 2)) || ((selection == 4) && (ze_get_user_level(id) < 3)) || ((selection == 5) && (ze_get_user_level(id) < 4)) ) { Show_Menu_Buy_Secondary(id) return; } static szWeaponName[32] ArrayGetString(g_szSecondaryWeapons, selection, szWeaponName, charsmax(szWeaponName)) new iWeaponId = get_weaponid(szWeaponName) // Strip and Give Full Weapon rg_give_item(id, szWeaponName, GT_REPLACE) rg_set_user_bpammo(id, WeaponIdType:iWeaponId, szMaxBPAmmo[iWeaponId]) // Secondary bought g_bBoughtSecondary[id] = true } public Fw_TouchWeapon_Pre(iEnt, id) { if (get_pcvar_num(Cvar_Block_Weap_LowLevel) == 0) return HAM_IGNORED; // Not alive or Not Valid Weapon? if(!is_user_alive(id) || !pev_valid(iEnt)) return HAM_IGNORED; // Get Weapon Model new szWeapModel[32] pev(iEnt, pev_model, szWeapModel, charsmax(szWeapModel)) // Remove "models/w_" and ".mdl" copyc(szWeapModel, charsmax(szWeapModel), szWeapModel[contain(szWeapModel, "_" ) + 1], '.') // Set for mp5 to be same as "weapon_mp5navy" if(szWeapModel[1] == 'p' && szWeapModel[2] == '5') szWeapModel = "mp5navy" // Add "weapon_" to all model names static szWeaponEnt[32] formatex(szWeaponEnt, charsmax(szWeaponEnt), "weapon_%s", szWeapModel) // Get it's index in Weapon Array new iIndex, i // I won't explain the blew code if you need to understand ask me in Escapers-Zone.XYZ for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(g_szPrimaryWeapons); i++) { new szPrimaryWeapon[32] ArrayGetString(g_szPrimaryWeapons, i, szPrimaryWeapon, charsmax(szPrimaryWeapon)) if (equali(szWeaponEnt, szPrimaryWeapon)) iIndex = i } if (ze_get_user_level(id) == 0 && iIndex > 1) { return HAM_SUPERCEDE; } for (i = 1; i <= 11; i++) { if ((ze_get_user_level(id) == i) && iIndex > i+1) { return HAM_SUPERCEDE; } } return HAM_IGNORED; }
You don't have CSO Guns Menu ?
If u don't have make one :/
Then I will show u how u can add levels to them !
Nobody Is That Busy If They Make Time
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By Learning how to make a simple menu
And how to use natives and make them !
Nobody Is That Busy If They Make Time
johnnysins2000 wrote: ↑6 years agoBy Learning how to make a simple menu
And how to use natives and make them !
I Cant Undetstand u
DRK Zombie-Escape V1.6
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Because You don't how to make simple menu or what is a native !
Just search Google and u will understand
Nobody Is That Busy If They Make Time
- Night Fury
- Mod Developer
- Posts: 677
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