Steam Validation rejected "help"
Steam Validation rejected "help"
Hello ,
I Have Problem In My Server , And i want help
This Problem , When Any One Join The Server get "Steam Validation rejected"
I Have Problem In My Server , And i want help
This Problem , When Any One Join The Server get "Steam Validation rejected"
DRK Zombie-Escape V1.6
IP :
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Do you have Dproto or Reunion (rehlds) ?
This mean that player that try to join your server has illegal game, So best thing is to buy Steam game. Or you can add dproto/reunion in your server to let these illegal clients enter your server.
He who fails to plan is planning to fail
I Installed reunion and dproto And Problem Not Fix
DRK Zombie-Escape V1.6
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- Night Fury
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- Posts: 677
- Joined: 7 years ago
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Make sure you have added .cfg file.
Dproto for normal HLDS and Reunion for ReHLDS and note we do not support no/non steam much because it's illegal so avoid speaking much about it.
He who fails to plan is planning to fail
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